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Writer's pictureAlfred Heath

Rorschach Test

Updated: Jun 17, 2020

Life has drummed into me that, for the most part, for the world in which I live, reality (the "white society" one I have to deal with most of the time, at least) is in the eye of the white beholder. So do me a solid; look at this photo and tell me something:

What do you see?

WHOM do you see? (No insults/compliments or complimentary/insulting nouns, adjectives, or adverbs allowed)

Is it really true that a white perspective delivers the most accurate meaning? Here are a few:

Some see a man looking out a window;

Some see a man behind bars;

Some see a man kneeling before the Cross;

Some see a man about to be lynched at a KKK human piñata party and barbecue;

Some see a witness to the Crucifixion;

Some see a man about to be crucified;

Some see salvation;

Some see damnation;

Some see humiliation;

Some see hopeless resignation;

Some see self-righteous pontification;

Some see righteous indignation;

Some see a window into a man's life;

Some see his eyes, "windows to his soul";

Some see a troublemaking, "uppity nigger";

Some see a "suspect who fits the description";

Some see a "perp";

Some see a threat they may have to shoot, or tase, or chokehold the life out of at the first opportunity;

Some see a bullseye;

Some see predator;

Some see prey;

Some see a martyr;

Some see a mystic;

Some see "Al";

Some see "Alfred";

Some see "Mr. Heath";

Some see "boy";


Some see a powerful shout "LOOK AT ME!" "LOOK AT THIS!";

Some see a show-off;

Some see a "Victim";

Some see a "Persecutor";

Some see a "Rescuer";

Some see themselves;

Some see "other";

EVERYONE either sees a black man or a man whose (societally pigeonholed) "blackness" is invisible to them.

"Colored"? Really? But 'black' is not a color.

"Colorblind"? REALLY? Did you not hear me?? I said "'BLACK' IS NOT A COLOR."

Some see a man looking out a window.

At what?

At whom?

I am looking at the world as it is.

I am watching events unfold.

I am looking at YOU.

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Jul 13, 2020

Oh my gosh, thank you so much for your reply at a time of bereavement.

May I say that eulogy you wrote for Brucie was divine.. You and your brother are gracious, kind hearted, talented people. Your brother has a soft handsome face, I am sure creativity dripped of his fingers. May your "See you heaven, my brother" service bring you tears of grief and tears of joy and humour.

I will do my homework.

Please know that I hope you rid yourself of that dreadful man in November. I read a cute message "During lockdown I noticed that my husband would put the microwave on for 44 seconds ONLY "

What a gem.


Jul 13, 2020



Alfred Heath
Alfred Heath
Jul 11, 2020

Dear mrsbmrsb,

Sorry for the delayed response, but I am in bereavement (see my most recent post), I did read your post before my brother past away and was preparing to respond, and then...

"Could you tell me what is happening? Who is funding BLM . What terrorist acts? Why is Marxism

so bad? Is there some corruption?"

I can only say a few things, none of them as a representative of the BLM movement. If you want to learn more about BLM, then I suggest you do your own homework and consider the source you draw from.

However, I would invite you to consider the facts and not characterizations by those who feel threatened. ANY TIME BLACK PEOPOLE STAND…


Jul 11, 2020

Hi, has this blog closed down?


Jul 08, 2020

Well, you have touched my soul. So beautifully written, so much pain yet no hatred. I wish I could say the same for the media sites. I have been very perturbed. A racist comment will 'receive 800 plus likes. A non racist comment gets a few likes. This is the scenario. I can comment about George Floyd as I feel I am educated to do so. I am trying to educate myself about the founders of BLM. Are they so radical. Personally I believe you can draw and live by certain aspects of several political philosophies. Mine are Labour, liberalism, socialism and Marxism. A mixed bag? I am the same with religion, especially Muslim. Such a kind a kind rel…

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